5 Devastating Outcomes of Old Concrete Flooring in Your Dairy Barn


Picture the scene: it's early morning on the dairy farm, and the cows are ready for their first milking of the day. As the farmer enters the barn, s/he notices a tense atmosphere among the herd. Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear why – the concrete flooring, worn smooth by years of use, has become dangerously slippery.

 Despite their best efforts to navigate it carefully, the cows are struggling to maintain their footing and they’re stressed and nervous as a result. Increased stress leads to potential injuries. And injuries lead to reduced milk production. It’s a scenario all too familiar for many dairy farmers.


Are you still relying on old concrete flooring in your dairy barn?

If the story above has chimed with you, you might be thinking it’s time to reconsider your old concrete flooring. 

Let’s take a look at the 5 main pitfalls in more detail…


1. Your herd is at increased risk of injury 

Old concrete flooring in sub-par condition presents a significant hazard to your dairy herd. Its rough and uneven surface can cause abrasions, cuts, and discomfort to the hooves of your cows, potentially leading to lameness and other health issues. This not only compromises the welfare of your animals but also affects their productivity (resulting in decreased milk production) - and overall well-being. Add to this, spiraling veterinary costs, that will also affect your farm's profitability, and it’s not a pretty story.


2. Your cows’ comfort is compromised 

Concrete floors, while durable, lack the cushioning and support necessary to provide adequate comfort for your dairy cows. Without proper cushioning, cows may experience discomfort and stress, which - like with more severe injuries - will impact their overall well-being and productivity. And your profitability. 


3. It can result in decreased milk production

As we all know, when cows are feeling stressed out or uncomfortable, they're not exactly in the mood to produce milk. Which means less milk to sell - and a direct hit to the bottom line.


4. It can lead to poor drainage and hygiene which fosters disease 

Old concrete flooring often develops cracks and imperfections over time, creating the ideal breeding ground for bacteria and pathogens. These hidden crevices can trap moisture, manure, and other organic materials, triggering the growth of harmful microorganisms that pose a significant threat to your herd's health. Poor drainage only makes the problem worse, allowing contaminants to build up, which increases the risk of disease transmission among your cows. Ensuring proper hygiene in your dairy barn is crucial for maintaining a healthy herd and maximizing milk production.


5. It poses risk to your employees

Along with putting the well-being of your cows at risk, old concrete flooring can also prove risky for your staff. Uneven surfaces increase the likelihood of slips, trips, and falls for them too.


In conclusion (5 reasons to swap slippery concrete for rubber matting)


Rubber mats in a dairy farm with cows


We’ve laid out all the ways old concrete flooring can compromise the health and productivity of your dairy herd - and the good news is, that’s not the end of the story. Here’s how, we at Legend, solve the 5 pitfalls outlined with our rubber product solutions:

  1. Stability guaranteed - with our rubber walkway mats and slat mats, you can provide a smooth and stable surface that reduces the risk of slips and falls, keeping your cows healthy and productive.
  2. True comfort - Our cow beds are specially designed to provide optimal support and comfort, ensuring a restful environment that promotes overall well-being and productivity.
  3. Boosted hygiene - our rubber mats are easy to clean and maintain, promoting better hygiene and reducing the risk of disease transmission within your barn.
  4. Good for your team - our mats provide a safe and stable working environment for your employees, ensuring their safety and your peace of mind.
  5. Increased productivity - our solutions create a stress-free environment that maximizes productivity and profitability.

When it comes to the perfect solution for your cow comfort and cow welfare, we’ve got you covered. We have a full range of quality, walkway mats, cow beds and slat mats made from durable rubber, specially engineered not only to be tough, withstanding everything farm life can throw at them, but they offer stability, comfort and protection for your valuable dairy herd. This helps to ensure a restful and stress-free environment, crucial for a happy herd to maintain optimum productivity. Get in touch today to discuss your options  - and we guarantee, your cows, your staff, and your bottom line will thank you!

Get in touch!


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