5 Ways to Take Care of your Cows so they Take Care of You

Rubber mats in a dairy farm with black and white cows

We all know the mantra: a happy herd is a productive herd. It's one most dairy farmers live by.

But how to achieve it in practical terms? Is providing our cows with optimal conditions and comfort, in order to produce optimum yield and maximum results, easier said than done?

It’s not, of course, but it does require precision planning and attention to detail. In this blog, we're going to outline five essential steps for creating the best environment for your herd, showcasing a real-life example we had the pleasure of working on.

Let’s dive straight in…

Step 1: Design an ergonomic barn layout

Whether you’re building a barn or retrofitting an existing facility, good barn layout is crucial for the well-being of your cows. Designing an ergonomic layout that promotes natural behaviors and minimizes stress is key.

Consider factors such as ventilation, lighting, and space allocation when planning your barn layout.

Providing ample space for cows to move around freely, to access feed and water easily, and rest comfortably should also be a top priority. 

A dairy farm in Ontario with cows eating


Step 2: Ensure proper ventilation and temperature control

Too-hot or too-cold cows in stuffy atmospheres are not happy cows. Proper ventilation and temperature control are vital for maintaining a comfortable and healthy environment for them. 

Poor air quality and extreme temperatures can lead to stress, respiratory problems, and decreased milk production. Investing in ventilation systems that provide adequate airflow throughout the barn and ensure proper temperature regulation year-round is a must-do. 

Step 3: Provide easy access to fresh water and nutritious feed

Access to clean water and good feed is a no-brainer. Ensure that water sources are readily available and easily accessible to all the cows in the barn. Implement a feeding program that meets the nutritional needs of your herd and promotes optimal health and productivity, too.

Brown and white cows eating in a farm


Step 4: Introduce a comprehensive herd health program

A comprehensive herd health program is essential for preventing diseases and promoting overall well-being in dairy cows. 

It requires working closely with your veterinarian to develop a customized health plan that includes vaccinations, parasite control, and regular health checks. Monitoring cow behavior and performance closely to detect any signs of illness or discomfort early is also key and allows you to take prompt action to address them. 

Zoom on rubber mats from Legend Rubber in a dairy farm


Step 5: Install rubber matting

Rubber matting is the foundation of a comfortable and stress-free environment for dairy cows. 

Choosing the right type of matting for the right areas of your barn -  crossovers, holding areas, breeding pens and parlor decks - are crucial to ensure maximum comfort and support for your herd. 

Consider factors such as thickness, texture, and durability when selecting rubber matting for your barn. Additionally, you’ll want to opt for non-slip surfaces to prevent injuries and provide traction for cows as they move around the barn. 

Rubber matting is our specialism at Legend, and we’ve many satisfied customers, who can attest to a huge increase in cow comfort once it’s installed.

Take for example John Walker of Walker Farms in Aylmer, Ontario, who said: ‘After putting in the Legend Rubber we just noticed the confidence of our cows grow and in the breeding pens we were able to see more visual heat. We wouldn’t replace it with anything else, the cows are comfortable; they don’t slip.’

Ryan Kant, owner of nearby Southwestern Hoof Trimming, also observed the herd at Walker Farm and told us, ‘You can see the cows are in good shape. I’m seeing a lot of 1 and 2-score cows, and the flooring here definitely contributes to that. The quality of rubber and the fact that this barn gets scraped out all the time, you can hear the cows when they go back out of my shoot and into the free stalls; you can hear the squeaking of the rubber. 

‘The cows have that grip, they can run up and down and you don’t have to worry about them splitting or falling. They’re plenty confident, coming up around corners and doing 90-degree turns - these cows are not struggling, they’re not chasing, they’re not falling. In a high traffic area, the flooring just holds up every time.’

We’re thrilled when we get feedback like this as ensuring cow comfort is what gets us up and running every day!


To sum up…

Ensuring herd happiness requires an all-round approach that addresses all aspects of a dairy cow’s daily life. From selecting the right rubber matting to designing an ergonomic barn layout.

By following the five steps we’ve discussed and investing in the right resources and technologies, you can create a stress-free environment where your cows will thrive. A happy herd is a productive herd, as we’ve already said, and by prioritizing your cows’ well-being, you'll not only improve milk production but also create a more sustainable and profitable dairy operation. 

Like to speak to us today about how we can support you to boost your herd’s happiness and comfort? 

Get in touch!


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